8 Productivity Hacks That Really Work

Posted by Lucrativ on 4/16/19 9:09 PM



Staying productive throughout the day yields great results. But productivity doesn’t come easy to everyone. There are a lot of tips for staying productive, and we’ve probably tried them all. There are some tips that work for some people, but won’t for others (i.e. waking up at 4:30 am every day), so we’ve come up with a list of productivity hacks that we’ve all tried—and can really vouch for.

  1. Forget multi-tasking—single-task instead.

You probably think that by doing multiple things at once, you accomplish more. Not exactly. Our brains weren’t built to multi-task, and forcing them to function over capacity only slows them down. Since you can’t really do multiple things at once, essentially, what you’re doing is task-shifting. And when you shift tasks, your brain takes time to refocus: 23 minutes and 15 seconds to be exact.

What you should be doing is focusing on one task and seeing that through. Then move to the next task. (A note on setting tasks for the day: make sure to make them manageable tasks for the day—not tasks that would need weeks to complete. Break down bigger tasks into smaller tasks.)

And while you’re single-tasking, we recommend that you… 

  1. Do the most critical task first.

There’s always that one task that stands out in your to-do list. Maybe it’s the most difficult, the most urgent, or the task you’ve been putting off for days (which you shouldn’t do, by the way). Whatever that big task is, prioritize that for the day.

  1. Set a deadline for each task.

Take your to-do list a notch higher and set a deadline or schedule for each task. It will make a world of difference! For example: you can set 30 minutes for email checking, an hour for finishing a report, or 15 minutes for a meeting with an associate. It’s all about being smart about your use of time.

  1. Turn off all notifications on your phone, tablet, and computer.

Another tip to single-task effectively? Avoid all possible distractions, and those notifications on your devices—a new Whatsapp message, a new email notification, an Instagram like notification, etc.—really take away your focus from work. As mentioned, set a schedule for everything, including responding to messages and checking notifications. 

  1. Edit your feed.

Your time is valuable: don’t waste it on nonessentials. Social media is a vortex that sucks in your time and energy. We’re not saying that you shut down all your social media accounts, but edit them wisely. Unfollow those that don’t really add value to your life and work. Same with emails: unsubscribe from emails that do more selling than informing or educating. 

  1. Automate and template.

Being organized is a huge help when trying to stay productive. Automation is a godsend: these days you can automate daily, repetitive tasks and increase your productivity every day. Having custom work templates or modules also helps cut down on work hours. You don’t have to create the same documents again and again. Having it all in one platform also boosts efficiency.

  1. Don’t put off anything you can do today.

You have the time to do it now? Then do it now. Procrastination is the biggest productivity killer. By putting off a task for another day, you’re only adding stress to the next day, and the next day, and the next… Deal with the stress and get done with it today.

  1. Don’t be afraid to say no.

This is particularly difficult for sales professionals because they aim to please. But in prioritizing what’s really important, you will realize that some things are really not worth your time. Feel empowered to say no to those things. As Steve Jobs puts it: “It’s only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.”

Topics: Productivity

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